Wednesday 9 October 2013

Orthofill Fix Gaps In Teeth

Orthofill ( is a brand trusted by many people worldwide as the number one provider of reliable, high quality dental bands that have been closing thousands of teeth gaps for more than 3 years. More than closing teeth gaps, we give you an affordable alternative solution to getting back that smile, and that confidence.

Before going to bed, take one band from the package and carefully slip the band over the first of the two teeth that have a gap between them. You may find it slightly awkward to roll the band on in the beginning. With your index finger and thumb, gently pull the band over the other tooth. As you continue to use the bands, placing them on and removing them will become second nature to you. Expect to feel a slight tension and tightening. Make sure the band fits over the middle of the teeth, with the gap located between both teeth.

Keep the band on the gapped teeth the entire night. It is important that you wear it all night as instructed. You may experience a slight discomfort on the first few days of use. This discomfort indicates that the teeth bands are working. It will disappear after a couple of days. During the first 30 days of use, you should only wear the band for a period of 12 hours per day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Orthofill Bands it helped me fix my teeth gap :)
